In ancient times, what is now known as Bicol Region was called Ibalon.
In the beginning too, what is now Albay,was a very dense virgin forest.
The people and provinces grew from the forest and gradually broke out of
darkness in the lush, green country and into the light. So it was in
this part of the country, at the foot of Majestic Mayon.
those olden days, the Moro Pirates Plunders the settlements along the
island’s shoreline. So it happened that in the island of Samal, now
Samar, a farsighted ruler somewhere in northern Samar, thought of saving
his people from frequent Moro attacks. So they search for a place,
relatively safe from Moro piratical zones, not too far from the sea. Nor
close to the shore. They choose a place at the foot of the volcano
where fresh and sweet water abounds, and there the tribe had settled.
The leader of the tribe was the son of a Datu in Samar, His Name is
Ragnay, and their territory was called – “Kiragnay”, meaning a
possession of Ragnay. The Moya family sprang from the original settlers
of Kiragnay, and so are the Gragedas.
When the Spaniards set foot
for the first time in the settlement, the year was 1569. They found the
settlers friendly and produced foodstuffs more than enough for their
needs. For this reason they made kiragnay , their base for the
exploration of the land of ibalon, up to the San Bernardo Straight. By
Virtue of a Spanish Royal Decree, the town of Camalig was founded in the
year 1579. The present publication of Camalig was carved from the
territory of kiragnay. An old map shows that the poblacion of Camalig is
surrounded by sitios of the old Kiragnay.
To know your family tree is to know yourself. A simple graphic system
for tracing family origins is to make a direct line to the main trunk,
which every family branch should keep and fill with the passing of time.
Intermarriages have broken families into family divisions and
subdivisions and so on and on, and once intermingled, the female line is
lost in the mess of new family names taken in wedlock. These new family
names by wedlock are for social identity, not of direct blood
relationship with the main fountain of blood.
To faithfully trace
one’s family origin, the female position in the line should not be
omitted if she stands in the direct line, pointing to her origin and
that of her children through her, so as not to get lost in the mess of
family names. For this system, persons standing in the direct line
should have their names in capital or bold letters, to stand prominently
like monuments.
It would be wonderful indeed for one to make a
sentimental journey across the centuries, and pay homage to the ancient
MOYA tree and under its great and ever spreading branches, meet and know
your long lost brothers. WONDERFUL!
Of all the people 0n earth only the Jews can trace back their ancestry
beginning from Abraham, their remote father down to their present
generation, centuries upon centuries, connected by the bridge called –
“Family Tree” which ever family have preserve all along, thus feeling
the strong ties or kinship, despite tragedies on their long history, as
one people and one race.
In ancient times, the original tribe that
has first settled behind the volcano were all Pagans and had Christian
names. They were only named after their physical attributes, skills,
behavior, etc. the settlement that they made was called –Kiragnay, after
the name of the first Datu of the tribe, called Ragnay. The name
Camalig was still far into the future. When the Spaniards arrived in the
settlement in the year 1569, they thought of giving the natives,
Christian family names. They obtained a list of names from Spain, South
America and Cuba, for distribution to the native families in the
islands. In alphabetical order, beginning with the first letter of the
name, assignments were made. In the Camalig, names starting with letters
M and N were distributed to the native families, thus Moya, and
Marques, Murillo, etc. Nantes, Nebres, Neo, Nebrija, etc. at that time,
most of the natives had already adopted Christian first name, but no
family names yet. When the family names were distributed, names
beginning with the letter “M” were adjudicated to the natives of
Barangay Cabagnan, Camalig. Incidentally to the Cabeza de Barangay of
Cabagnan, named Doroteo, to his family, the family name Moya was
adjudicated. He was the first man in the town now called Camalig, to
bear the name –Moya.
Doreto Moya, has several children, one of his
sons Eleuterio Moya. Married Francisca Iglesia, of Gapo, Camalig.
Eleuterio Moya and his wife Francisca Iglesia were blessed with four
sons and three daughters. Their sons – Andres, Dorotero jr. Pedro and
Pablo (twin brothers) ; daughters- Antonia, Toribia and Juana, all
Iglesia Moya.
Andres Iglesia Moya, has sojourned in Jovellar,
married a lady in that town and became the Captain del Pueblo of
Jovellar. His Children, sons- Candido Moya, Eleuterio Moya II,
daughters- Eladia Moya and one Atang. The moyas in Jovellar are
desendants of Andres Iglesia Moya of Camalig.
Doroteo Iglesia Moya,
jr. has only two sons, Pablo Moya II and Eleuterio Moya III, fondly
called Yoyong. (Doroteo jr. was Captain of Camalig from 1864 to 1866).
Pablo or Pablito Moya had a lone child, Amadeo Moya. Amadeo in turn, had
only one, a girl- Elizabeth Moya, who resides in camalig. Eleuterio III
or Yoyong Moya have many children, only two are known to the writer,
Paciano and Alicia Moya. They Left Camalig before World War II and their
Whereabouts are unknown today.
The twin brothers, Pablo and Pedro
Moya are said to be big and strong men with commanding personalities.
And were called the “giants of Cabagnan”. Pablo Iglesia Moya, one of the
twin brothers, have four children, Toribio, Marianito, Pantaleon and
Juana.Their descendants are to be found in Cabagnan, Camalig. Pedro
Iglesia Moya, the other twin have only two, Dorotea and Juana II.
Decendants of Dorotea Moya are the Espinas Family in Centro Camalig,
that of Juana II, bear the name- Nolasco.
Antonia Iglesia Moya had a
lone child, Marcos Obligaciaon. Marcos in his first marriage, had a
son, Hipolito Obligacion, and daughters Saturnina, Fernanda and
Patricia. In his second marriage with a girl bearing a family name-Nuyda
he had several children too,most of them lived in Bariw Camalig.
Toribia iglesia Moya married a Solano, and had sons and daughters. Her
son-Francisco Moya Solano and anacleto Moya Solano, the last Captain del
Pueblo of Camalig his decendants are the Anson and Valenciano’s of
Camalig. Toribia’s daughter are gregoria, Eustaquia, and Juliana,
All Moya Solano.
The last daughter of Eleuterio Moya and Francisca Iglesia, namely Juana
Iglesia Moya, desendants from the first Moya of Camalig,
Doroteo,Married Mariano Grageda of Capuy, Castilla, Sorsogon . They had
sons and daughter in Camalig.
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